Sunday Worship: We gather at 10:00 am to celebrate, to learn, and to pray as a church family.
Nursery Care: A professionally staffed crib room is provided to enable parents to worship, knowing that their young children will be tended in a safe and comfortable environment. The nursery is located downstairs. Parents may also choose to be in this room with their children during the service, as the service is broadcast into the room.
Children's Message: A special time for children during worship, before they go off to their classes.
Church School: An experience with trained and caring teachers who share God's love and help students to live a life for God. Please feel free to escort your child(ren) to class and sit in on the lesson, or stay and enjoy the rest of the worship service.
Feature Sunday: An opportunity for Church School students to provide meals or to engage in special projects that minister in our community or to our world.
Confirmation Class: A class for ninth graders, and older, to prepare them for full membership in the church.
Youth Groups: Activities geared toward Middle and High School students designed to strengthen and challenge their faith in God.