Ice Cream Social August 18th!
Join us on August 18th for ice cream after the service. We will have a guest preacher that day, so plan on staying to welcome our special guest.
Join us on August 18th for ice cream after the service. We will have a guest preacher that day, so plan on staying to welcome our special guest.
Join in the fun as we go to Cedarland and putt-putt our way through their challenging course.
We have 20 tickets to go see the Lowell Spinners on Monday, July 22nd – Gametime 7:05 pm. Tickets are $10. Contact the office 978-686-4445 if you are interested!
This year’s mission trip participants will join us the day after they return to fill us in on what they learned during their time in Erie, PA.
We usually have Communion the first Sunday of the month, but July will be different. All are welcome to the table!