May 14-15, 2016 we celebrated the 150th anniversary of the building of our church!

It was dedicated on May 16, 1866.

Our Anniversary Banquet pictures are below – Sat. May 14

We owe a huge “Thank You!” to the folks who worked incredibly hard on our anniversary celebrations!

Sarah Dunlap

Pam Foote

Cheryl Hebert

Helen Mooradkanian

Glen Ayer & Rev. Rich Knight, co-chairs

(Rudi Smith also helped us immensely on the banquet. Thanks Rudi!)

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Congregational Photo thanks to Ron Wybranowski & Kevin Griffin


Carol Majahad, speaker & Sarah Dunlap, banquet coord.



The Historical Scavenger Hunt!


Over 70 in attendance


Hazel Orchard spoke from the heart and moved us all.

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Alisa & Rev. Rich Knight, Rev. Andy & Connie Gilman


The Waterfront Park String Band

A Prayer of Re-Dedication

            Heavenly Father, whose mercy and grace surround our every moment, and whose love is so wondrously revealed in Christ our Lord, we come to celebrate the community of faith through whom this house of worship was built 150 years ago, and for the witness which the building, in its own unique way, has given witness to that faith in the years since.

            We celebrate all of the hymns of praise which have resounded within its walls throughout those years . . .

                        the prayers of faith that have arisen from its pews;

                                    the words of truth and inspiration that have

                                    proceeded from its pulpit.

And, within its classrooms, that gracious Christian community which has embraced and nourished growing children and adults.

            May the majesty of its tower ever give witness to the warmth and strength of the faith within.  And may its ministry ever serve to bless all who go in and out of its doors.

            In the name of Christ, who inspires our faith, who embraces us in Christian community, and calls us into his ministry through his spirit.


Rev. Herbert I. Schumm

Pastor of this church, 1968 – 1996