- We celebrated Epiphany
- Chris Wood rocked the piano
- The Scouts came to pray
- And families came to play
- Pastor Debra was Installed
- Rummikub became a "thing"
- Lent began with a splash
- And the lights went dark on Maunday Thursday
- Easter dawned - the light returned to the world
- We had a Baptism
- And were honored by the Scouts
- We held a block party for our neighbors....
- And they came to visit
- On Music Sunday our Music Director preached....
- And a jazz band played
- Our Mission Trip participants held an information session - they leave on mission in July
- We gave out scholarships...
- and honored our graduates...
- and said "Fare thee well" as our four seniors go on to college
- Our big winners from the June 9th Rummikub party!
- Pentecost happened -
- And we blessed our four-legged friends outside
- Our golf outing was fun
- We're here all summer, worship with us at 10 am each Sunday, and check our calendar of events to see what we have planned next!