Safe Church Policies
The Church Council & Board of Christian Education
Trinitarian Congregational Church
North Andover, MA
Our Safe Church Policies are for “children” up to 18 yrs. old. These policies are for church sponsored activities as well as other groups who work with children and use our facilities. Any exceptions to these policies must be approved by the Church Council or by the congregation at a congregational meeting.
1. No one will be asked to teach Church School or work with a youth group unless they have been involved with our church community for at least 6 months.
2. Those willing to teach will be asked to register. Employment history, social security number and two references will be obtained.
3. CORI checks will be done on all staff, all Sunday school teachers, all youth workers, TNT leaders and anyone else coming into contact with children and youth.
4. We will not conduct a class if just one student shows up. The teacher will go with the student and help another class or return to worship.
5. We will ensure that there is an appropriate ratio of adults to children in our Sunday school classes and other activities involving children and youth. We will have 2 adults/teachers per class, with the exception of the “open classroom” concept, where visible contact is possible between classrooms.
6. No leader, other than the parent, should be alone with a child in the bathroom. The teacher must notify another adult when taking a child to the bathroom. The teacher is to stand at the bathroom doorway.
7. During programs and activities, participants are expected to remain a part of the group until the conclusion of the event.
8. The church will not permit any use of alcohol, tobacco, or illegal drugs on church grounds or during church-sponsored activities involving children.
9. Sunday School Teachers are mandated reporters in Massachusetts. Signs or symptoms of sexual abuse, emotional abuse, physical abuse, or neglect will be reported to D.C.E.
10. If a child or parent comes forward with an allegation of sexual inappropriateness (sexual assault or sexually inappropriate touch) concerning one of our church school teachers, youth workers, or staff members, the teacher, worker, or staff member will be immediately suspended, and we will notify the proper authorities immediately. Accusations of a boundary violation or a boundary infraction may be first addressed by the Chair of CE and the Pastor to determine if further action is needed.
11. We aim for constructive experiences. In the rare event that a child’s disruptive behavior cannot be calmed down, the child will be escorted from the class or session by an adult, and his or her parent(s) will be contacted to intervene. Should there be questions about discipline, they
can be referred to the Christian Education Chair and/or the Pastor.
12. Teachers must know where all the exits and fire extinguishers are in the building, as well as, where the first aid kits and phones are located.
13. After class, nursery infants & toddlers, preschool students through Second Graders, will only be released to parents, guardians, or other authorized individuals listed on the registration form.
14. We encourage parents to drop-in on Sunday School classes.
15. Our Safe Church Policies will be reviewed annually with all teaching staff.
16. Youth Mission Trip Policies:
A. Chaperone background checks are done through CORI.
B. All “lights out” times and other workcamp rules are to be adhered to.
C. Safety training is held with all the chaperones prior to the trip.
17. Transportation Issues:
A. All those driving children, youth or adults on church activities must produce a valid driver’s license, registration and proof of insurance.
B. All speed limits and other state and local laws are to be obeyed.
C. All passengers must be in seat belts.
Glen Ayer, Moderator
Pam Foote, Sr. Deacon
Alisa Knight, Christian Ed. Chair
Dr. Richard B. Knight, Pastor
Last Update: September 30, 2014