Trinitarian Congregational Church – Youth Mission Trips
Skills to Develop
1. Trim work, Edging & Rolling - please try them all between now & the trip
2. Staining/Sealing of Decks
3, Outdoor Painting - Most kids don't get enough paint on their brush.
The technique to use is called, "Dip, Dab & Go!"
A. Dip your brush into the container (have a small container of paint in your hand, don't keep walking back to the big can)
B. Dab it on the side of the container, once on each side. Don’t wipe it clean. You need the paint on there! Just touch the brush on each side of each side of the container
C. Then Go. You've gotten a lot of paint on your brush, now spread it out. Paint all in one direction. Push the paint across the wood or down.
Dip, Dab & Go. This is the technique for outdoor painting.
4. Clean-Up & Caring for Paint Brushes
- never set a wet paint brush down on the floor or even on a drop cloth
- use large baggies for overnight storage of brushes
- remove excess paint from rollers before cleaning (use a paint stirrer)
- Clean brushes w/ soap & water, wire brush hard to remove paint
5. Driving Nails efficiently
6. Use of a Handsaw
7. Use of a Skill Saw (if you’ll be 16 yrs. old by the trip)
8. Caulking exterior windows
Safety First – Think before you act
9. Use Safety Goggles with paint scraping & sawing wood
10. Scrape potential lead paint with goggles, mask, hat & gloves
11. Use of ladders – the 1/3 out rule
12. Perseverance - Getting Stuck & Getting Unstuck
13. Taking Instructions & Remembering Them
14. Teamwork - finding your role, encouragement, cooperation, etc.
June 2016