In-Person Worship Sunday, September 27
We will have our first in-person worship since March at 10 am on Sunday, Sept. 27th. Registration is required, and social distancing guidelines will be in effect.
We will have our first in-person worship since March at 10 am on Sunday, Sept. 27th. Registration is required, and social distancing guidelines will be in effect.
On the 15th of September TCC will be hosting a “Drive Thru” Prayer Shawl event for Communities Together. Because of the pandemic the regular Prayer Shawl Tea has been cancelled, and as there is a shortage of prayer shawls to be given to those in need this special event is especially important. Cars will drive […]
Watch the blocks at the top of the page for your chance to view each week’s Virtual Worship! Not streaming worship but a mix of video and stills with messages and music.
Won’t you join us for a light meal and service on Wednesday, February 26th. We will have a light meal at 5:30 pm followed by an Ash Wednesday service at 6:15 pm. There will be a sign-up sheet at coffee hour, or you can contact Dorothy in the office at 978-686-4445 or