Campfire at the Parsonage
Through the years we’ve had some really fun campfires at the Parsonage. Join us for The Last (Knight) Campfire Thur. June 9, 2016 6:00 pm
Through the years we’ve had some really fun campfires at the Parsonage. Join us for The Last (Knight) Campfire Thur. June 9, 2016 6:00 pm
Children’s Sunday June 5, 9:30 am We’ll celebrate our Sunday School, Youth & Christian Education Program, thanking our faith-filled, devoted & loving teachers!
2016 marks the 150th anniversary of the building of our church. The new building was approved by the congregation in January of 1865, as the Civil War came to an end. Construction began that year and was completed the following year, with a dedication service held May 16, 1866. Upcoming Events! “Music for the Brown […]
Anniversary Banquet – Sat. May 14 We have a wonderful evening planned for our anniversary celebration! Tickets are $10 per person, $25 for a family. You may purchase a ticket at church on Sunday or at the church office. Childcare will be provided. Here’s the schedule for the evening: Historical Scavenger Hunt – 5:30 pm […]
Come to the Mother’s Day Brunch! Then, get something for Mom at the Service Auction!!! Our annual Service Auction will be held Sun. May 8 during the Mother’s Day Brunch! This is the largest fundraiser for the Youth Mission Trip. This summer 10 teenagers will travel to Charleston, WV to do a week of home […]