March 11th, Lazarus House

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Lazarus House Visit – March 11th, 2018 Marcy and Ellen from Lazarus House thanked the congregation for their support, and spoke on some of the specific things they do for people in need in the Greater Lawrence area.

John Larkin preaches July 26

July 26, 2015 9:30 am

Deacon John Larkin, CPA, will be sharing the message this Sunday at Trinitarian Church’s 9:30 am worship service. John loves to preach, and it shows! His messages are always thought-provoking and faith-filled! Join us!

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Youth Mission Trip!

July 4, 2015 – July 11, 2015

This summer’s Youth Mission Trip is July 4-11 to Buffalo, New York. 11 Teens & 3 adult chaperones will join with 150 other teens to do a week of home repair for those who can’t afford it. Please keep us in your prayers! For more information contact Pastor Rich Knight at

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Coach Yourself Through Grief

June 23, 2015 7:00 pm

Free Seminar on Grief “Coach Yourself Through Grief”   (How to apply Coaching Principles to your Grief Journey) with Dr. Don Eisenhauer If a loved one of yours has died, then you know how painful grief can be. The emotions can be overwhelming. Many feel like they are “going crazy!” Come learn 8 principles that you […]

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Make A Difference Day!

May 31, 2015 9:30 am

Make A Difference Day! Sun. May 31 9:30 am Worship 10:30 am Coffee & Refreshments 11:00 am Head off for Service Projects We have two projects lined up: Lazarus House Meal Prep Painting Please sign up with Pastor Rich,

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This Sunday is Pentecost Sunday!

May 24, 2015 9:30 am

This Sunday, May 24 is Pentecost Sunday, the day that celebrates the Gift of the Holy Spirit to those first disciples! Worship is at 9:30 am. Come seeking the Spirit!

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